Re: Request for discussion.

robert owen thomas (
Mon, 6 Feb 1995 10:58:00 -0600

hello, Tim--

just some of my "from-the-hip" thoughts...

== Timothy Newsham once wrote...

== priveledged programs
== --------------------
== trusted programs
==   run in roots .cshrc,.profile,.login,.logout, etc.
==   run in a cronjob
==   run from system startup
==   run from inetd
== suids
add to this list /etc/profile and the *numerous* config files for such things
as smail, etc.

== Changes
== -------
== - run network daemons with lower priveledges.
== discussion:  Why are so many net daemons run as root?
hmmm... problems with the kernel here (particularly BSD-ish kernels).  proc
groups not owned by root would make certain daemons unable to access kernel
space, perhaps...

== - collect suid programs into common directory, or perhaps
==   a seperate directory for uid/gid. (both in src and bin form).
== rationale:  Increase awareness of security critical programs.
==   Make it easier to check all suid programs at once.
difficult for administration, particularly when patching or updating a package
akin to smail.  suggestion:  run find with a -exec sum option.  collect and
store in a truly safe place (e.g. a floppy disk).  set up cron to run a
comparison job (e.g. run find for suid/sgid, perform sum, mount floppy,then
compare).  perhaps link suid/sgid binaries to a common, *hidden* directory
for easy reference?  use soft links to avoid easy detection.

== - database of priveledged programs and dependencies.  Ie config
==   files, temp files, directories, databases, etc.
== rationale:  Keep track of assumptions in security critical programs.
==   Avoid holes that arise out of changing an assumption (example
==   making utmp world readable).  Make it easier for automated
==   checks (ie. world writeable directories like preserve and
==   msgs).
i like this.  in fact, i stress such things when i perform security audits.
caveat:  do *NOT* store this database on-line.  perhaps set up a secure,
stand-alone machine (be cheesy:  ifconfig down) for storage of security

==   (As for nfs,  nfs needs finer controls anyway).
very true.  user bin is still, i believe, a security problem (as are some of
the other "system" accounts, e.g. adm, uucp, etc).  nfs is bullet-riddled,
to be sure.

== - system list of users allowed to use suid and sgid.  Suid
==   binaries not run if file owner not allowed to use suid/sgid.
== rationale:  reduce the ability to store priveledge on a filesystem.
users would not be able to send mail.  users would not be able to rlogin/remsh.
this is too sweeping a gesture, although the intent is good.  suggestion:
write wrapper binaries around the suid/sgid commands.  log activity.  makes
a nice complement to some of the daemon wrappers.

== - secure network services.  authentication and encryption.
==   point to point encryption in socket layer?  Change
==   services that rely solely on addresses for authentication to
==   rely on additional or other information.  Replace
==   the priveledged ports model.
== discussion:  To replace priveledged ports a "trust" server could be
==   setup.  This server would be on a well known port which would be
==   hard to get.  Trusted hosts can be done away with or complemented
==   with private keys (one set of keys per "trust") or a public
==   key system (one secret key per host).
== rationale:  lower the risk of passive network attacks.  Decouple
==   network priveledge (packet filter access, "priveledged ports")
==   from root priveledges.
very good thoughts.  enjoy good horror stories?  read the Morris and Bellovin
papers.  the idea above needs no more support than that.

== Thus wrote Timothy Newsham

you obviously have an "eye" towards prevention.  all too often, we hear about
the reaction, as opposed to the proaction.  preventive medicine, i think, is
the goal.  why wait until you have been cracked?  unfortunately, it seems
that the prevailing wind in corporate America is "it will never happen to

good post, Tim.


o robert owen thomas: Unix consultant. MAILER-DAEMON. user scratching post. o
o         e-mail: --or--            o
o                  vox: 708.632.5768  fax: 708.632.5694                     o
o                -- System Administrator's Dictionary --                    o
o    user (you'zer) n. 1 A waste of system resources; an unwanted load      o
o    on the processor(s) of a Unix system. 2 Someone who uses Caps Lock.    o